Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 3 HACK_TIVISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just finished having the class a couple of hours ago so I want to write down a blog while its fresh in my mind!

Firstly, i understand I have not written anything for last week, will do that later this week while I can...

I would just like to say that I really enjoyed this lecture, I have always found hacking such an awesome subject! As I was listening to Erika speak (its not rude to use first name basis right?) and I did indeed come up with a few ideas on the topic, something which I am good at when the topic interests me!

When Hacking was first invented or the word was thought of first by some people it was supposed to be something which had no malicious intent! Is it not funny how people have changed over the years. Either I am a pesimistic or over the years it has seemed that people have become meaner or more negative and that we have become people that no longer feel anything can be invented or made without malicious intent!!! Is that just me or do some of you feel that way. I dunno, just something to ponder over.!

Another idea I had thought of was this idea that if hackers had just been left to do what they will, there may have never been black hats (hopefully you all went to the lecture and know what I am talking about!). What I am trying to say is that if hackers had not been trampled on by authorities they may not have become criminals hacking into the system for reasons of stealing and such! Im such a stubborn person and if someone said I could not do it, I would do it! They may have done it for the pure pleasure of having a bit of fun or challenging the system! However, saying that, I guess, there are more people who do it because it is illegal! I mean lets face it, its more fun if someone is trying to stop you! hmmm, is that slightly psycho... hopefully not! Oh, i just totally changed my mind! oh well, not quite sure what I was trying to say! Aaaaaaaaaaaaany, moving on. (totally weak argument I know!)

Another idea I had was the idea that Erika put in my head about thinking of the internet in everyday life rather than it being a separate part of life! I dont know if thats quite what you said but it was something along the lines of internet being part of real life and internet life, that they were one life. (if you dont understand ask me to ellaborate! I dont know if this makes sense here, I have the bad habit of thinking I had left such a detailed message when in fact it makes no sense!)

Well, the point I was trying to make was that I dont agree at all with this statement! My idea is that the internet is something completely separate from real life! I am not being a #*&#% (did anyone pick that up ;)) what I am trying to say is that on the internet you can be whoever you want! If you are in real life you may be some overweight 50 year old man, but on the internet you can be a beautiful 20 year old woman! This idea that people can create whoever they want to be... They can join a cult who hate white people just to see what people are saying about them and be a white person yourself. I am just trying to say that not all people are on the internet will become that way in real life or that it is like their real life! Its just an idea....

Anyway, that is about all I wanted to write for now! Hopefully was an interesting read, if you didnt understand at all that is ok too, just say so and I will try to elaborate.

Or if you dont agree we could have like a blog argument or discussion or debate or something!!!! FUUUUUUN!!!

ANyways, ( I know i say anyway too much, i will try to kick the habit!) Thanks for reading and looking forward to your comments or whatever you want to write!!!) :)


erika said...

Firstly, it's my name, feel free to use it!

I have to admit, I've never really thought of black hatting coming about through pure spite, but given that many psychological profiles of hackers (both as individuals and populations) makes mention of their high intelligence combined with low respect of general social norms (aka: they're the kids who go "but, why?" all the time!) it actually seems quite...well, logical.

And its great you picked up on the "performance" of fictional characters we can create online (actually, I just finished writing a paper on that very topic! Awesome timing, huh?) - my counter-question is: how divorced from the physical "you" are those fictional identities? Or, how much of you slips in, consciously or not, to those fake people? Are they as separate as you think?

It's a question that will crop up again later in the semester, but it's totally worth thinking about already.

Great post!

theshiftbutton said...

hmmmmmmmmmm, i like these questions!!!! I will think about it for a while. I guess you are right when you say that people do unconsciously put their own personality into it! I suppose that as a person there is no real way of breaking away from yourself as you dont really know how to act like someone else!!! But hmmmm, i like these questions very much and i will ponder on them! ;)

erika said...

ponder away! A lot of the stuff you guys are already coming up against in the blogs will recur in the lectures and seminars, so consider this getting a head start :)