Friday, May 23, 2008

Sob Sob!!!! :(:(:( Its near the end!!!!

It seems that our time together is drawing a close.

I will post my final and most wonderful post and hope that you will all enjoy life in the real world while I sit here posting a blog at 10:30 on a Friday night... I know I was so tired from doing last minute essay stuff that all I want to do now is crawl into bed and snoore the night away...mmmm...

Anyway, how is everyone and how was the essay???
I dont know, I seemed to feel the pressure as I always do when the essay turns out to be a 40%er...

Does cyberspace make us post human?????

Hmmmm, wasnt quite sure what this post human meant so I had to look and read all the backround information and found out that it had something to do with being a cyborg!!!

I found cheated, of course I knew what a cyborg was.... It was that machine thing on Terminator that kept killing everyone in the hope that in the future nothing would change, so they would be able to appear or whatever, right??? Hmmm, I didnt think that the internet was one of those, Sooooo I had to do more work and read up on this idea of a cyborg and what (in the world of cyberspace was it).

Cyborgs are a living being who contains technological elements which replace and/or enhance physical parts... It is something that I would agree on depending on the circumstances. I mean, I would totally allow for the manufacturing of hearts in order to give people with weak hearts new ones, or people who cannot walk, get new legs. But I do not agree with the idea of ummm cutting of your legs in order to get stronger robot ones!!! I think you got to work with what you got!! Make the most of the gorgeous body that your mummy and daddy gave with. If it sucks, learn to live with it!!!

Becoming cyborgs I believe will take away what is good in the world!!! Im sorry but there is no true painting that came from a computer, OK there might be, but it does not carry the same personality that a real one has. THere is no real music with soul and all that stuff that real people do... As a very, um, earthy person I would never voluntarily chose to become a cyborg, I love real life waaaaayyyy too much!!!!

The last question on the lecture notes was "WOuld you get an ID chip?" Hmm, absolutely not. Firstly at the moment I am not a Dog (no snide comments there people!!!). I just dont see the point in people getting ID chips. It is an invasion of our privacy (sorry guys, still got the essay in my head), if I got a ID chip they would be able to monitor everything about me! Im sure they would even be able to tell when I am going to the toilet, Oh look, Mihi just got a couple pounds lighter, hhmmmm, she just went toilet!!!! Seriously, NO.

Ive also been watching the television and all those movies set in the future where they can see who you are by scanning different things and Im sorry but things did not go very well for the main characters! I mean whats an example, Oh poos, that man from batman begins and he is a killer of people with emotions. He kills anybody that chooses not to take their medication which takes away all emotions.. They monitor people. NO, NO, NO.

I refuse the ID Chip, I would rather go rogue and become an assasin.... Hmm, I am very disagreeablee today, Im in the Mood, just another added NO.

I also did the backround reading and found that it was very hard to read, or maybe I was just stupid... I had to sit there with my dictionary and find every second word in the reading...

After a while I started to get frustrated!!! I did learn a new word though! Phallic... (Something resembling a penis)... not to inapropriate right???

Did you know that foreigners call our sky tower the phallic or rather the penis of New Zealand!! Hmmm, learnt that a couple of hours ago. Well I guess you learn something everyday.. Nice to know its important.

Anyway, getting back to the topic. Oh right the reading, Im sorry but it was both frustrating difficult and very technical, other than the phallic thing! THe only interesting part of the whole reading. Well I guess you can see how interesting my day has been..

SOrry Im in a sarcastic mood at the moment, but the reading sucked to be honesT!!!!! I mean I will quote the book "This dualism structured the dialogue between materialism and idealism that was settled by a dialectical progency..." I mean seriously, why didnt they just write "these two structured the talk between materialism and idealism that was settled by a investigating the truth of opinions of the offspring..' or something along those lines. It would mean that less people worry about feeling stupid and also allow more people to read this.

Anyway that was what I thought of the reading...

The END!!!!!

(Sorry if it seemed a bit too grumbly, feel free to comment on whether the reading was difficult or if I am just the only stupid one!! Oh MAN, HELP ME!!!!)


sophie said...

i think the whole idea of cyborg is pretty creepy although i do think chips that could help us medically, i do think the whole starbucks idea that erika talked about was kinda weird and i think chips could become a real invasion of privacy. But i do think medically it would be a fabulous idea.

erika said...

one of the joys of random research - discovering new words :)

Media Blogger said...

We think it is scary because we havn't experienced it yet.

I'm sure when the idea of "the internet" was first talked about there would have been many people who said "that sounds creepy, it would be a major breach of privacy to have all that information about me stored electronically".