Friday, May 23, 2008

Sob Sob!!!! :(:(:( Its near the end!!!!

It seems that our time together is drawing a close.

I will post my final and most wonderful post and hope that you will all enjoy life in the real world while I sit here posting a blog at 10:30 on a Friday night... I know I was so tired from doing last minute essay stuff that all I want to do now is crawl into bed and snoore the night away...mmmm...

Anyway, how is everyone and how was the essay???
I dont know, I seemed to feel the pressure as I always do when the essay turns out to be a 40%er...

Does cyberspace make us post human?????

Hmmmm, wasnt quite sure what this post human meant so I had to look and read all the backround information and found out that it had something to do with being a cyborg!!!

I found cheated, of course I knew what a cyborg was.... It was that machine thing on Terminator that kept killing everyone in the hope that in the future nothing would change, so they would be able to appear or whatever, right??? Hmmm, I didnt think that the internet was one of those, Sooooo I had to do more work and read up on this idea of a cyborg and what (in the world of cyberspace was it).

Cyborgs are a living being who contains technological elements which replace and/or enhance physical parts... It is something that I would agree on depending on the circumstances. I mean, I would totally allow for the manufacturing of hearts in order to give people with weak hearts new ones, or people who cannot walk, get new legs. But I do not agree with the idea of ummm cutting of your legs in order to get stronger robot ones!!! I think you got to work with what you got!! Make the most of the gorgeous body that your mummy and daddy gave with. If it sucks, learn to live with it!!!

Becoming cyborgs I believe will take away what is good in the world!!! Im sorry but there is no true painting that came from a computer, OK there might be, but it does not carry the same personality that a real one has. THere is no real music with soul and all that stuff that real people do... As a very, um, earthy person I would never voluntarily chose to become a cyborg, I love real life waaaaayyyy too much!!!!

The last question on the lecture notes was "WOuld you get an ID chip?" Hmm, absolutely not. Firstly at the moment I am not a Dog (no snide comments there people!!!). I just dont see the point in people getting ID chips. It is an invasion of our privacy (sorry guys, still got the essay in my head), if I got a ID chip they would be able to monitor everything about me! Im sure they would even be able to tell when I am going to the toilet, Oh look, Mihi just got a couple pounds lighter, hhmmmm, she just went toilet!!!! Seriously, NO.

Ive also been watching the television and all those movies set in the future where they can see who you are by scanning different things and Im sorry but things did not go very well for the main characters! I mean whats an example, Oh poos, that man from batman begins and he is a killer of people with emotions. He kills anybody that chooses not to take their medication which takes away all emotions.. They monitor people. NO, NO, NO.

I refuse the ID Chip, I would rather go rogue and become an assasin.... Hmm, I am very disagreeablee today, Im in the Mood, just another added NO.

I also did the backround reading and found that it was very hard to read, or maybe I was just stupid... I had to sit there with my dictionary and find every second word in the reading...

After a while I started to get frustrated!!! I did learn a new word though! Phallic... (Something resembling a penis)... not to inapropriate right???

Did you know that foreigners call our sky tower the phallic or rather the penis of New Zealand!! Hmmm, learnt that a couple of hours ago. Well I guess you learn something everyday.. Nice to know its important.

Anyway, getting back to the topic. Oh right the reading, Im sorry but it was both frustrating difficult and very technical, other than the phallic thing! THe only interesting part of the whole reading. Well I guess you can see how interesting my day has been..

SOrry Im in a sarcastic mood at the moment, but the reading sucked to be honesT!!!!! I mean I will quote the book "This dualism structured the dialogue between materialism and idealism that was settled by a dialectical progency..." I mean seriously, why didnt they just write "these two structured the talk between materialism and idealism that was settled by a investigating the truth of opinions of the offspring..' or something along those lines. It would mean that less people worry about feeling stupid and also allow more people to read this.

Anyway that was what I thought of the reading...

The END!!!!!

(Sorry if it seemed a bit too grumbly, feel free to comment on whether the reading was difficult or if I am just the only stupid one!! Oh MAN, HELP ME!!!!)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Out the Back of the Internet!!!

Hmmm, as someone who has been slack for these past few weeks I will return to the work that I should have done.!.!

I will start with Week 11 and keep writing backwards!!!

What have I found...

The definition of neologism coined by Bruce Sterling!!

Bruce Sterling, a man born in Brownsville, 14th April 1954. He started writing when he was 12 and his father believed that it was a "a frank bid for attention". Together with a bunch of other collaboraters he wrote a book called Cheap Truth where they mocked the science fiction establishment and demanded a more culturally relevant approach to the genre. Their viewpoint became known as "cyberpunk".

Along with a bunch of others they became quite famous and well known within this movement of cyberpunks. After publishing Hacker Crackdown Sterling released the work in free electronic form to help the internet when it was first beginning.
RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
This is an automatic identification method which relies on storing and remotely retrieved data using devices called transponders. An RFID tag is something that can be applied to identify some living organism where it can be identified using radio waves.

How close are we to having the internet in our pockets??

The internet is something that over the course of 20 years has become very portable!! I would say that the internet is way different than it used to be!!! I would say that within the next year or two the internet will definately be in our pockets and all that!

Barriers to access Going mobile - killer app?

Mmmm, ubiquitous Internet…. I just had a look in google for something about this internet I found a really cool site on the internet about it!

There are many different gadgets that have ubiquitous Internet. The one that I found most internesting was the Amazon Kindle. This is a gadget that not only has wireless internet connection but that it is built in and free which I guess is the separation between the gadget and mobile connection is gone! That is the ubiquitous Internet!!

Hmmm, this is me, finding
different ideas of all the work
that we did…

I thought that I would do some
Backround work of this weeks
Lectures and discussions.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I havent written a blog in a while and Id firstly like to apologise!!!
Its not because I have given up on it, it is just that I had two asignments due the week before holidays and I had done hardly any prep so I was rushing around trying to do those (my own fault I know). SO i am going to write about four weeks worth of blogs I think??My last was April 1st so I think I am right!!!

I will start back with Week 6 notes blogs!!!

I have noticed that by not going to the classes it is a lot harder to discuss ideas as I guess you do not have everyone's opinion and will mean that in some ways I am biased. But i will write what I think...

Blogs... Something which I HAD thought of as stupid, lame and something that only people with nothing better to do had done! But seriously I was just a *#(@^ (i hope some of you can guess what that is!). Its funny because when I thought blogs were lame I was and still am a BEBOEr and so was infact blogging without realising I was blogging. I was also a weekly emailer person who sent emails to friends and family to update what it was I was doing. This also being classified as blogging. So I was and will probably always be a blogger.

2. Do you think that blogs are challenging the role of ‘traditional’ news media (I.e.: print and television)? Why/not?
3. Do you think there should be a code of conduct for news/information bloggers, just as there is for professional journalists? What should it contain? Is such a code even feasible?

These were the questions asked in class which I did not get to hear and so I will write my answers and ideas on these topics.

Do you think that blogs are challenging the role fo 'traditional' news media?

I definetaly do!!! Television and print are both ideas that the consumer is not actively involved in the television but are rather silent and have no real say in the television. If they see something that they do not like they can perhaps let someone know but there is no real say in whether or not something can be aired.
However, with blogs, people can write what they want to write... They can say whether they liked what that person had to say or whether they truly believed in the ideas of this or that. Basically, with a blog people can write whatever they want!!!

On the television there is only the majority of the audience have a say in what will be aired on the television. In blogs, even the smaller minorities have the right to say what they want... To write what they want and to have people listen to them, or rather read what they wrote...

Do you think there should be a code of conduct for news/information bloggers, just as there is for professional journalists? What should it contain? Is such a code even feasible?

I do not think that a code should be put into place. As a professional journalist you are paid to write whatever it is that you write, whether it be something favourable for the masses or something that will be controversial and all, there is so much you can do for a professional piece. As a professional you know the difference between right and wrong, you have been taught the importance of what it is you are writing.

Many bloggers are regular people who have regular jobs and do regular things. However, blogging may have started due to something that they could not do in their normal lives, like their obsession of cats or something much more complex.

A code at the moment I think is not feasible... But, the way that the internet has moved forward over the past years shows that these codes may become feasible in the years to come. There may be some complete control over what people can print or such on the internet, then again there may not be! The internet was first designed for the government only but soon became for the public aswell.. THere may be a time when the government may have no control whatsoever
of what will go on the internet.

As for the first question what is the information value of blogs i tried to answer it but my answer became a bit complicated...

What is the information value of blogs??? In simple terms?? Or as simple as you can?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

How do we evaluate the value of informatioN????

Ok ok, so my last post was a bit of a ramble (which most of them are but...) so I am going to try to write somethink more clearly about last weeks work. Virtual communities are a really interesting topic because to be honest I was never really in them. I mean I had bebo for my friends here in New Zealand and Hi5 which I used for my overseas friends and family! But there was really nothing else that I used I mean truthfully I thought that chat rooms and blogs and all that were stupid but I have seen the errors of my ways! I have found that on the internet you can trully find really good people to talk to, you can find a group of people for a whole sort of reasons! As Alana wrote about, you can find a group that you can talk to about problems that you find hard to talk to face to face, you could find people on the internet that share your crazy fettish something that is too embarassing to talk to with someone you know! THere are lots of reasons.

I would also like to talk about the question that was most important in week 5.... How do we evaluate the value of information??...

I saw this question and soon enough the rebel in me or the debater in me started to question in straight away... How is it that giving your address is a high value part of information where a photo is a low value...?? I mean why is it that a photo is not a high value? I believe that it is much higher than giving your address. It shows what you look like, it may show some of what your friends look like, it shows a specific location, and it could even show some of your personality in your dress sense and the way your face is... Is it not that this is a high value piece of information.??

An address may show where you live but chances are there are more than one person living in that house so how do they know which one you are? SOmetimes people also put a fake address so some people do not even trust this address whereas you can usually tell when this is not a real photo of you!!!

Anyway, what are your thoughts? do you disagree or agree?? WHy??

Monday, March 24, 2008

Communities.... What do you call a community???
Is it a bunch of people who like a particular thing like dogs who paint...
I see that everyone thinks that the fundamental of a community is the people. However, is it possible that a community could be a group of dogs?? Could it be a flock of birds or animals??

The five main points of a virtual community is:

• to be an aggregate of agents
• their exchanges needed to be ‘public’ in the sense that people could enter the discourse
• these exchanges needed to utilize a shared code
• these exchanges occur over time: virtual communities do not arise overnight
• the interactions represented by these exchanges should involve strong emotional investment

Its funny, I read the second one that said 'people'... I suppose that it is, could it possibly be that a a virtual community could be anything else? COuld it be computers. I was just wondering if the way that computers talk to each other, is that virtual community? Are computers part of a virtual community?

Haha, I was just wondering. Feeling a bit rebelious... Does anyone else ever see past just the people? COuld anything else possibly be a community or virtual community?

Thanks for reading my thing?? IS it anything or nothing at all???

I found this weeks reading a bit boring...
Not in the way that Erika read it, because she always manages to be interesting. But that i just dont really enjoy being told about a virtual community, whatever it is, wherever it has been written.

The second lecture of that week was alright. I enjoyed talking and listening to people talk... I liked the many ideas that people came up with!!!

One of the most I enjoyed was the idea that people give more on the internet than they mean to. You refuse to write on your bebo page your address, but you put on a picture with your friends and behind you guys is where you live and people can actually see where you live..

Its interesting in all its creepyness!!! Its scary and weird. Just a bit to think about!

Have a good one everybody!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Ummmmm, query!!!!

Just wondering, I've been reading all the blogs that people have left and there have been many people who have recapped what they have done in the class...
Am i doing it wrong??? Or is that just another way to do the blogs.


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 3 HACK_TIVISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We just finished having the class a couple of hours ago so I want to write down a blog while its fresh in my mind!

Firstly, i understand I have not written anything for last week, will do that later this week while I can...

I would just like to say that I really enjoyed this lecture, I have always found hacking such an awesome subject! As I was listening to Erika speak (its not rude to use first name basis right?) and I did indeed come up with a few ideas on the topic, something which I am good at when the topic interests me!

When Hacking was first invented or the word was thought of first by some people it was supposed to be something which had no malicious intent! Is it not funny how people have changed over the years. Either I am a pesimistic or over the years it has seemed that people have become meaner or more negative and that we have become people that no longer feel anything can be invented or made without malicious intent!!! Is that just me or do some of you feel that way. I dunno, just something to ponder over.!

Another idea I had thought of was this idea that if hackers had just been left to do what they will, there may have never been black hats (hopefully you all went to the lecture and know what I am talking about!). What I am trying to say is that if hackers had not been trampled on by authorities they may not have become criminals hacking into the system for reasons of stealing and such! Im such a stubborn person and if someone said I could not do it, I would do it! They may have done it for the pure pleasure of having a bit of fun or challenging the system! However, saying that, I guess, there are more people who do it because it is illegal! I mean lets face it, its more fun if someone is trying to stop you! hmmm, is that slightly psycho... hopefully not! Oh, i just totally changed my mind! oh well, not quite sure what I was trying to say! Aaaaaaaaaaaaany, moving on. (totally weak argument I know!)

Another idea I had was the idea that Erika put in my head about thinking of the internet in everyday life rather than it being a separate part of life! I dont know if thats quite what you said but it was something along the lines of internet being part of real life and internet life, that they were one life. (if you dont understand ask me to ellaborate! I dont know if this makes sense here, I have the bad habit of thinking I had left such a detailed message when in fact it makes no sense!)

Well, the point I was trying to make was that I dont agree at all with this statement! My idea is that the internet is something completely separate from real life! I am not being a #*&#% (did anyone pick that up ;)) what I am trying to say is that on the internet you can be whoever you want! If you are in real life you may be some overweight 50 year old man, but on the internet you can be a beautiful 20 year old woman! This idea that people can create whoever they want to be... They can join a cult who hate white people just to see what people are saying about them and be a white person yourself. I am just trying to say that not all people are on the internet will become that way in real life or that it is like their real life! Its just an idea....

Anyway, that is about all I wanted to write for now! Hopefully was an interesting read, if you didnt understand at all that is ok too, just say so and I will try to elaborate.

Or if you dont agree we could have like a blog argument or discussion or debate or something!!!! FUUUUUUN!!!

ANyways, ( I know i say anyway too much, i will try to kick the habit!) Thanks for reading and looking forward to your comments or whatever you want to write!!!) :)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Little by Little

Ok ok, im not one for writing reallllly long blogs and so I am going to do it little by little throughout the day! I left it till the last minute as I was waiting to see what other people wrote so I could get some idea as to what exactly Im supposed to be doing! I mean I read the assignment and all that but seriously it took me a while to figure this all out.

Like some of the other peopel hopefully were I was worried when i first saw that this paper was Cybersocieties. I was actually one of those who had no idea what that mean (hopefully there are more out there). I mean I kind of pieced it together cyber- as in the internet and societies which are a group of some kind is what I would say they were. SO i guess I did kind of know what it was but seriously I had no idea.

THen i started worrying about our lecturer and whether they would be boring (in which case I would have pulled out because I seriously cannot stand boring lecturers), but ours was not so Yay.

But that was my thoughts on this class, something which would have probably been better to have written last week! So that is it for now... I will give you my thoughts on the lectures and readings later in the day! Have a good one yall, :O

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hello All.

I have yet to master this whole blogging thing!!
I have been noseying around the different blogs and I have absolutely no idea how people figured this thing out so fast but hey im definately one of those Computer illetirate people (with really bad spelling at the mo, i think i got the Ms Pearson fever). I appologise if I got the wrong name honestly!!!!

ANyways, You all have a awesome day and i thank you for reading my bloooog.

;) (<- at least I know how to do those)